When I was a boy, I remember wondering what it would be like to be a soldier like
my father. As the years passed, I graduated from college and entered the journalism field writing, editing and shooting news and sports events.
Seeking adventure, I enlisted in the Army as a cameraman with The Combat Pictorial Detachment capturing imagery worldwide for the DoD Visual Information Center Pentagon and the National Archives.
Later, I joined Special Operations as a PsyOps Specialist creating media products for various agencies. To contribute my part in the War on Terror, I reenlisted as a Cavalry Scout and served in Afghanistan and later as a Platoon Sergeant in a Combat Engineer Sapper Company hunting IED’s in Iraq and my last tour of duty as a Public Affairs NCO in Afghanistan.

Operation: Iraqi Freedom

Operation: Enduring Freedom

Combat Pictorial Detachment

La Comandancia, Panama City

Operation: Desert Shield/Storm

Cap-Haitien, Haiti

Operation: Just Cause

Iraq Border, Kuwait

Operation: Uphold Democracy

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Gardez, Afghanistan

PRT Khost, Afghanistan

Chapman Airfield, Afghanistan
245th Psyop Co. Airborne Ops.
Khost, Afghanistan

Pakistani Border, Khost Province

Baghdad, Iraq

Sadr City, Iraq

Swords of Qadisiyah, Iraq

Kunduz Province, Afghanistan

Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan

My only regret during my service, was not being there for my young daughter as a father to reassure her that she was safe, wanted and loved. I hope she will forgive me.